Subject: DEM23DS: V. 1.21 DEM to 3DS Author: Stephane Vilette Uploaded By: PC Mike Date: 5/14/1995 File: DEM3D121.ZIP (205120 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 789 Needs: An UnZIPing Program Keywords: Vilette, VRLI, VistaPro, Autodesk, 3DS, 3D Studio, DF Type: Distribute Freely FROM THE AUTHOR: Often I've seen people complaining about the fact that they had to use DXF export/import to use VistaPro's DEM files in 3D Studio because it takes a lot of time to export big DEM. So I did it : a DEM to 3DS converter. It can export DEM files in less than 2 seconds. Here is the syntax you must use : DEM23DS -iDEMFile[.DEM] [-o3DSFile[.3DS]] You must always specifie the input file name. the .DEM extension is optional. If you don't specifie an output file name, DEM23DS will use the input file name with .3DS extension. If the output file name already exists, the file will be overwritten. If you have problems or suggestion about this converter, you can contact me on Compuserve of by E-Mail : Stephane Vilette E-Mail : or FORUM NOTE: This program >>>WORKS!<<< A MAJOR loading speed increase over importing the raw DXF file... major as in a 6000% increase in a test I did.